Are you looking for a scenario for your campaign, or inspiration for your own custom scenario. You'll find plenty in our sample scenarios. If you've written a custom scenario, feel free to add it the ones listed here, check the scenario submission guidelines page to find out how.
Paint it up - an unbalanced raid scenario where a small force has to infiltrate an enemy objective, mark it up for a future strike and then get out without been detected.
Preparing to strike - a balanced raid scenario where a column of troops has to fight it's way through an ambush.
Ambushed and Betrayed - an unbalanced raid scenario where a force gets ambushed from all sides.
Breakout - an unbalanced raid scenario that follows on from Ambushed and Betrayed.
Fighting withdrawal - an unbalanced raid scenario that follows on from Ambushed and Betrayed.
Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Mission 3: The Water Treatment Plant
The following is a play-through of tutorial mission 3 from the FWW campaign
book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in
5 years ago