Going on Campaign is an unofficial rulebook and source guide for campaigns in Games Workshops Warhammer 40k. If it's your first time here, then please read the Preface first, if you're coming back, then check the Project log to see what's new.


Are you looking for a scenario for your campaign, or inspiration for your own custom scenario. You'll find plenty in our sample scenarios. If you've written a custom scenario, feel free to add it the ones listed here, check the scenario submission guidelines page to find out how.

Paint it up - an unbalanced raid scenario where a small force has to infiltrate an enemy objective, mark it up for a future strike and then get out without been detected.

Preparing to strike - a balanced raid scenario where a column of troops has to fight it's way through an ambush.

Ambushed and Betrayed - an unbalanced raid scenario where a force gets ambushed from all sides.

Breakout - an unbalanced raid scenario that follows on from Ambushed and Betrayed.

Fighting withdrawal - an unbalanced raid scenario that follows on from Ambushed and Betrayed.