Below you'll find a list of various contributors who have helped Going on campaign grow.
ColCorbane - Founder and general dogsbody.
Admiral Drax - Chief wordy guy.
Campaigns - Timythener, Sovietspace (Astronomicon)
Maps - Jay Biga (Bols), Tokkan (Freebootaz), Quantem Fear (Freebootaz), Broadsword (Freebootaz), Regnir (Freebootaz), John (Plastic legions), Alessio (BlackRed Studio), Fox (FoxPhoenix135), Paolo Bertoncini (Grande Maestro), Sovietspace (Astronomicon), Gewaltatron, GK (Citizen Nick Hobby Center)
Scenarios - Sunflame
Player aids - Broadsword (Freebootaz)
Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Mission 3: The Water Treatment Plant
The following is a play-through of tutorial mission 3 from the FWW campaign
book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in
5 years ago