Going on Campaign is an unofficial rulebook and source guide for campaigns in Games Workshops Warhammer 40k. If it's your first time here, then please read the Preface first, if you're coming back, then check the Project log to see what's new.


Below you'll find a list of various contributors who have helped Going on campaign grow.

ColCorbane - Founder and general dogsbody.
Admiral Drax - Chief wordy guy.

Campaigns - Timythener, Sovietspace (Astronomicon)

Maps - Jay Biga (Bols), Tokkan (Freebootaz), Quantem Fear (Freebootaz), Broadsword (Freebootaz), Regnir (Freebootaz), John (Plastic legions), Alessio (BlackRed Studio), Fox (FoxPhoenix135), Paolo Bertoncini (Grande Maestro), Sovietspace (Astronomicon), Gewaltatron, GK (Citizen Nick Hobby Center)

Scenarios - Sunflame

Player aids - Broadsword (Freebootaz)