Going on campaign is a living rulebook and source guide, and by that I mean that I welcome your suggestions for narratives, rules, campaigns etc. I want the project to grow over time, rather than jump about randomly, so at the moment, I'm only accepting submissions for the sections already completed or being prepared. If you have any ideas for future sections or sub sections, feel free to add them in the comments.
If you'd like to comment on individual pages with rules etc, just add them in the comments on that page. If you'd like to submit large sections of material, then please email me colcorbane@gmail.com first with a rough idea of what you want to submit, just in case it's not suitable. I'd hate for you to spend hours putting something together for it not to be suitable. On that, as long as it's in line with what I'm doing here, then it should be fine but I do reserve the right to modify or not publish submitted material for obvious reasons.
At the moment, I'm only accepting custom written scenarios and ladder campaigns.
I want to standardise the sample campaigns and scenarios that get added to the project so that it's well formatted and easy to follow, it'll also make it easier to convert into a pdf as a future project.
If you'd like to add a custom written scenario to the scenario appendix, please check the scenario submission guidelines before you send them in.
If you'd like to submit your own ladder campaign then please follow the ladder campaign guidelines.
I'm also after pics of campaign maps, campaign markers / army markers etc for a future showcase section. So, if you've got anything suitable, drop me a line. I'd prefer them photographed on the map, or a blank piece of paper, but if not, don't worry, just send them to colcorbane@gmail.com anyway.
Thanks for helping Going on campaign grow.
Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Mission 3: The Water Treatment Plant
The following is a play-through of tutorial mission 3 from the FWW campaign
book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in
5 years ago