If you'd like to submit a scenario for addition in the sample scenarios appendix, please make sure it follows the following format. This is to make sure that all the scenarios submitted are complete and have all the important information and follow a standard format for ease of use.
Just a simple title that sums up your scenario.
Fluff (optional)
A bit of creative writing that sets the mood for your campaign.
A bit of text that describes what's going on in the scenario, it could be a raid against bunkers, hostage rescue or even a full blown tank battle. Include what type of mission it is, eg raid where there's an attacker and defender or a straight battle, also include if it's balanced or not.
Some text that describes how the forces and table should be setup, include things like table edges, who deploys or goes first, terrain etc. Feel free to include a map if you want to.
Forces (optional)
If your scenario has any force changes such as extra FOC slots, unequal points, unit restrictions, special reserves, add them in this section.
Scenario Special Rules (optional)
If your scenario uses any custom rules such as environmental effects, night fighting or any rules that just applies for this scenario, add them to this section.
Mission Objective
Add your scenarios victory conditions here, include any bonus victory points or kill points for custom scenarios.
If your scenario has any special reserve rules such as delayed reserves etc, add them here. If not, just say standard reserves.
Game Length
Add any modifications to the length of the game here, if there's no modifications, just say standard game length.
Design notes (optional)
This is where what you were thinking when you created the scenario. What forces, if any, you had planned to use. Any alterations you think might be interesting. Basically, it's anything you want to say 'about' the scenario.
Your name as you want it credited on the scenario and the contributors page. This can be a nickname like ColCorbane or your real name.
It may seem a little daunting at first, but once you've got the basic idea of the scenario, you'll find it's pretty easy to write it down following the heads above. If you'd like to see some samples, check the scenarios appendix. Once you've written your scenario, email it to me at colcorbane@gmail.com along with any maps as jpeg images. If it's part of a custom campaign that you're submitting, include it in the same email as the campaign so that I can keep them all together while I get them online.
Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Mission 3: The Water Treatment Plant
The following is a play-through of tutorial mission 3 from the FWW campaign
book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in
4 years ago